Ideas That Havent Not Been Done Yet for Brand Extensions for Fashion Companies

Let'southward exist honest. Our consumption-oriented society is frequently perceived as incompatible with the words "upstanding" and "sustainable".

  1. Nosotros consume too much.
  2. We purchase things that we don't demand.
  3. We purchase things that are harmful to humans, animals and the environment.

And worse, we are oft non fifty-fifty aware of it.

When we see behemothic fast food brands sell unhealthy products to a mass market since years, or big cosmetic brands advertise products with toxic ingredients, we might beginning wondering if branding and marketing are such great tools afterward all.

And this raises a fundamental question:

Are brands bad for order?

The answer is: Well, it depends.

There are all sorts of brands for all types of sectors and actors:

  • From the private sector to the public sector.
  • From organizations to individuals.
  • From corporations to NGOs.

And within each one of these categories yous tin observe brands that are perceived every bit more upstanding/amend for society than others.

A brand itself is neither good nor bad. Nonetheless, the values, strategies and actions of the company/organisation/person backside it tin can influence the perception of the brand as being good or bad, ethical or unethical.

In this commodity nosotros would like to provide some guidance around edifice ethical brands within the corporate sector.

And past ethical brands we mean brands that are created past companies which truly care almost the society they vest to, its laws and its living beings. Here nosotros're non talking nearly companies that simply practise and then for gaining new clients or some sort of competitive reward.

Exploring the concept of an "ethical brand"

In order to empathize the concept of an upstanding make, we commencement need to understand what the words "ethical" and "make" mean.

Defining "upstanding":
The Oxford Dictionary defines "upstanding" as follows:

  1. Relating to moral principles of the branch of knowledge dealing with these.
  2. Morally good or right.
  3. Avoiding activities or organizations that practise impairment to people of the surround.

Defining "branding":
On the other side, the American Marketing Clandefines a brand as "a proper noun, term, design, symbol, or whatsoever other feature that identifies i seller's practiced or service as distinct from those of other sellers".

In other words, and as explained in our What is branding commodity, a brand is the idea or image people have in heed when thinking nearly specific products, services and activities of a company, both in a practical and emotional style.

The concept of ethical branding:
Within the corporate sector, an ethical make is therefore directly linked to the product and activities of the concern backside the make. For instance, if a visitor selling GMO fruits and vegetables is famous for having agricultural practices that are toxic for the neighbouring communities, it is very likely that the make will not be perceived as ethical past the public.

In his article "Ethical Branding And Corporate Reputation", Ying Fan explained: "an ethical brand should not impairment public skillful; instead it should contribute to or assistance promote public good".

Additionally, authors Alwi, Ali and Nguyen, state that by being an ethical brand, the make: (1) acts morally; (2) considers economic, social and environmental responsibilities; (3) has integrity, honesty, accountability and commitment to doing the right thing; and (4) creates added value for the house, customers and its stakeholders.

What is an ethical brand?

After combining all the above definitions, we would similar to define "ethical brand" as follows:

Ethical make definition:
A make that represents a visitor, organization or person whose products, services and activities are:
one) morally correct
2) do not harm people, animals and the environment
three) contribute to society and public practiced in a responsible, positive, and sustainable way

Upstanding brands should have the give-and-take "ethics" in their DNA and their entire strategy built towards providing long-term sustainability to their business, the gild and the planet.

The importance of ethical branding

At The Branding Periodical, nosotros believe branding is maybe one of the almost strategic components of a marketing strategy and that'southward why nosotros notice it so interesting. Just because it is such a powerful tool for growing a business organization or an organisation – it also needs to be used in a very careful way.

In modernistic society, companies take indeed a powerful role to play. Some corporations take fifty-fifty become then big that their deportment and strategic decisions have a direct influence on governmental policies and the lives of citizens. Due to their systematic importance information technology is vital that corporations exert their power in a way that contributes to public practiced and that they play their part in finding social and environmental solutions for the hereafter of this planet.

In this line, there is a very interesting Ted Talk by Jason Dirt on "How big brands tin can relieve biodiversity". If yous oasis't seen it yet, we highly recommend you to have a expect at it.

Companies are citizens of the society with rights and responsibilities. An ethical branding strategy will help them become their values, mission and vision right from the beginning to contribute to society in a positive way.

As discussed, ethical brands are important considering they help better the society of today and tomorrow. As well, as a secondary benefit from a self-serving standpoint, acting and being perceived as an ethical brand can correspond a vital competitive advantage in an overcrowded marketplace.

Why companies should aid consumers in their ethical consumption decisions

ethical branding -1
Photo by Raquel Martínez on Unsplash

From a consumer perspective, in the buyer decision procedure, there is a clear trend towards accounting for ecological and sustainable factors before, during, and subsequently the purchase of a skilful or service.

This sustainability tendency is either a deliberate and witting upstanding decision or simply imposed upon the consumer by governmental policies.

Withal, in that location seems to be a discord between the demands and duties of consumers and the responsibilities of companies that sell goods and services.

In some countries (such as France and Germany), consumers take to do grocery shopping without plastic bags, while companies are even so allowed to sell processed foods with four to 5 unnecessary packaging layers.

In other countries, consumers deliberately seek to buy fair-trade, local, organic products, when the large majority of products or services available in the marketplace are not answering these needs.

Have a expect at the "Zero Waste" consumer movement, which promotes a consumption lifestyle that produces little to no-waste. Exercise y'all realize how difficult information technology is for these consumers to achieve their objective in a guild dominated by big grocery stores with plenty of candy and single use packaged appurtenances – or java shops and restaurants providing endless plastic plates, cups and cutlery?

Photo past Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

We believe the responsibility for a more sustainable planet should non lie on the shoulders of consumers only. Brands and companies should be role of the equation by offering truly upstanding products and services.

How to create an ethical brand (+ real life examples)?

Creating a 100% ethical brand is not like shooting fish in a barrel, as there are a lot of factors to consider.

This article aims to provide some general guidance for creating a strong ethical brand. But before nosotros continue, delight note that:

  1. The ideas listed below provide a general overview. If you lot desire to become more in-depth into upstanding business practices, we highly recommend you to seek for other organizations' advice (e.m: Fairtrade Foundation, Environmental Justice Foundation, Greenpeace, Amnesty International, etc).
  2. The upstanding reality can be different for each type of manufacture. Nosotros therefore highly recommend to seek for the support of specialized organizations or denizen movements that volition be able to provide more in-depths advice according to the industry. An example tin exist Manner Revolution for the Manner industry.

This guide is meant equally a first pace towards entering the upstanding branding earth. We really hope that the following ideas will assist you contain new business practices for building a more upstanding brand, whether you are creating a make from scratch or trying to evolve your current brand!

1. Ethical brand purpose – why is your make here?

In a past article, we explained the importance of having a clear brand purpose. When a visitor tin reply the question "why are we here?", in that location are loftier chances that they already have established a clear long-term branding strategy based on that purpose.

Merely some brand purposes are stronger than others. To observe a strong ethical purpose for your brand, first have a look at the major sustainable evolution goals (SDGs) for the globe.

In 2000, the United Nations created "United nations Global Compact" – the world'south largest corporate sustainability initiative, in which they list global sustainable development goals for companies to focus on.

Today, there are 17 SDGs and we believe they can be a great source of inspiration for companies that want to find a strong and meaningful make purpose:

  1. No poverty
  2. Zero hunger
  3. Good health and well-being
  4. Quality educational activity
  5. Gender equality
  6. Clean h2o and sanitation
  7. Affordable and make clean free energy
  8. Decent work and economic growth
  9. Manufacture, innovation and infrastructure
  10. Reduced inequalities
  11. Sustainable cities and communities
  12. Responsible consumption and production
  13. Climatic change
  14. Life below h2o
  15. Life on land
  16. Peace, justice and stiff institutions
  17. Partnerships for the goals
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Of course, in that location are many other types of brand purposes. The examples higher up are just here to provide some guidance and information technology will be upwards to you lot to cull what ethical purpose(s) y'all want your brand to be focused on.


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Patagonia is a US habiliment make that sells outdoor clothing and is considered to exist an "activist company". On their website, the company acknowledges that they are role of the ecological problem and have therefore been working hard towards limiting the damages the company'south activities tin can have on our planet.

The brand purpose of the Patagonia is: "we're in business to save our dwelling house planet. We aim to use the resources we have—our voice, our concern and our community—to do something about our climate crisis."

The company further explains:

"Knowing we are part of the problem, nosotros must also recognize that climate change—every bit a deadly status of infinite human being actions—is non an issue nosotros tin tackle outright. That'south why we endeavor to stay focused on specific things Patagonia tin do to reduce, neutralize, or even reverse the root causes of climate alter. "

Some of the principal actions undertaken past the company to meet this purpose are:

  1. Reducing the environmental bear upon of the company'due south supply concatenation
  2. Support grassroots activists by paying an Earth Taxation
  3. Using the company's vocalization to advocate systemic change
  4. Promoting minimalism past empowering customers to think twice before they purchase a product and past offering high quality products meant to last and that can exist repaired
  5. Support regenerative practices in ranching and agriculture
  6. Envisioning a new arroyo to business

We could therefore say that Patagonia is fighting towards meeting the United nations' SDGs #12 (Responsible consumption and production) and #thirteen (Climate change).

ii. Upstanding make values and principles– what does your brand represent?

One time you lot've establish your make purpose, it is of import to ascertain your make values and principles. For companies wishing to advance towards their purpose, the task starts indeed by incorporating ethical values into the make strategy and acting responsibly.

According to the Un, this means, "operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption". This will not only allow corporations to establish a civilisation of integrity, and to preserve their bones responsibilities to people and planet, merely also setting the stage for long-term success.

In addition to the principles mentioned by the Un, other upstanding corporate values can be for example 'transparency', 'honesty' or 'respect'. These should be the basis for the creation of an ethical brand.

In this article nosotros are focusing on the ethical values of a brand, but of course, your brand should also be defined by a set of additional values that will shape the brand's personality and differentiate it from the contest. Some examples are: tradition vs. modernity, fun vs. serious, bold vs. careful, innovative vs. conservative, etc.


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Divine Chocolate launched in the late 90'south the offset fairtrade chocolate bars for mass consumption in the U.k. market. The farmer-owned company is well known for paving the way for other large players in the chocolate industry to become more sensitive to fairtrade practices.

Some of the chief ethical values of the brand are:

  1. Community-focused (by empowering smallholder farming families and livelihoods of local communities)
  2. Gender equality (through women'southward empowerment programs)
  3. 100% fairtrade (by using fairtrade practices for everything the company does)

three. Product and services

The third important aspect to consider when creating an upstanding make is offer upstanding products and/or services.

Your brand can indeed have the best purpose and values in the globe, notwithstanding if you are selling products that are harmful, dangerous, illegal or toxic, in that location is no chance the make will be considered equally ethical.

In these cases, the upstanding controversy has more to do with the effects of the products than the branding strategy. Yet, unethical products volition have a direct impact on the brand. Therefore it is important to choose to sell products or services that at least do not crusade any harm to people, animals, and the environment. And if they tin can contribute positively to society, that'southward even better.

If your company is currently selling products that are harmful to people, animals or the planet, y'all should consider changing what you are offer to social club.

In some cases, you won't have to necessarily change the industry; sometimes merely a switch of production or ingredients can be enough. Examples:

  • Energy industry: if you company is selling fossil fuel (negative effect on global warming), consider shifting towards clean, renewable energies (eastward.chiliad. solar, wind).
  • Nutrient industry: if your company is selling processed foods with a very complex listing of chemical ingredients, why not change towards products that are made out of fewer, fairtrade, local and organic ingredients?

In other cases, you might exist selling products that aren't causing any harm to society, but don't really meliorate it neither. It might exist interesting to consider additional features or functionalities that volition convert the product into a production that contributes positively to society.

Example 1:

Ecosia is a search engine that donates fourscore% its advertisement profits to non-profit organizations, with a focus on tree planting. The product "search engine" has therefore been improved by offer to its users the added benefit of planting trees on the planet!

Example 2:

Lamazuna is a cosmetic brand that sells products which are 100% natural, vegan and with a focus on zip waste solutions.

The company has adult a serial of sanitary manufactures that are reusable. These include menstrual cups (which supercede tampons), washable make-up removal pads and cotton buds, solid deodorants, toothpaste, and shampoos – all sold with no additional plastic packaging.

The cosmetic manufacture generates a lot of waste matter and is oft criticized for the toxicity of its products and fauna cruelty practices. Therefore information technology's cracking to see a brand that is offering alternative products and thereby strongly mitigates these types of damage.

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iv. Production

Yous might remember the Rana Plaza tragedy.

On April 24th, 2013, a building chosen Rana Plaza in Bangladesh collapsed causing the death of over 1000 men and women, with entire families being killed while making apparel for Western societies. This is one of the major man-fabricated disasters that shook the world and the fashion industry.

Retail brands that were sourcing from the factories in Rana Plaza included Benetton, Cato Fashions, El Corte Ingles, Mango, Primark, and and so many others.

This tragedy pressured the fashion industry to make changes to their production procedures to prevent this blazon of disaster in the future. Some denizen movements such equally Fashion Revolution and Make clean Apparel emerged, and are promoting sustainability and call for corporate accountability inside the fashion manufacture.

Production procedures – no thing the industry – are a crucial part of any upstanding corporate strategy. Here are some important factors to consider:

  • Materials: cull the right ingredients and materials (eastward.g. recycled, re-useable, not-toxic, organic)
  • Packaging: reduce packaging fabric to the minimum, even better to zero
  • Working conditions: respect humans rights (e.g. no kid or forced labor, fair wages, safe and comfortable working conditions)
  • Animals and the surroundings: protect animals (e.g. cruelty complimentary, no animal testing, protection of the biodiversity) and the environment (e.g. energy saving, carbon reduction, make clean energies, recycling, no waste)


Reformation is a style brand created in 2009 that designs and manufactures the bulk of its collections in the factory headquarters in downtown Los Angeles.

"Our garments are produced past responsible manufacturing partners hither in the U.S. or away using sustainable methods and materials. Nosotros source sustainable fabrics and vintage garments while incorporating meliorate practices throughout our supply chain to make beautiful styles at a fraction of the environmental impact of conventional mode. It is our mission to lead and inspire a sustainable way to be stylish."

The company lists on its website the sustainable deportment it undertakes in the different organizational departments. For the production office, hither are Reformation'southward main ethical policies:

  • Textile: the make prioritizes the utilise of local materials from ethically screened suppliers.
  • Energy-efficiency: sourcing electricity offsets from 100% wind power suppliers; employ of LED lighting and working to install solar solutions at its new factory.
  • Recycling: the make recycles 75% of all its garbage and aims to increment the pct over the years. Reformation also donates whenever possible and composts organic waste.
  • Wages: most of the hourly workers are paid more than than minimum wage and over half above LA living wage threshold. The brand is working towards reaching 100% living wages across the board.
  • Benefits for employees: the brand provides health benefits to all full-time employees and offers Metro passes to encourage the apply of public transportation.

five. Supply chain & distribution

In a like fashion, supply concatenation processes tin take a very important impact on different stakeholders. Therefore, try to:

  • Screen suppliers: Follow fairtrade policies to back up for case disadvantaged or local producers. If you outsource the production of your products, brand sure the suppliers are following ethical production procedures.
  • Reduce distances: minimize ship and the number of intermediaries for a lower impact on the environment.
  • Reduce waste: optimize the utilise of materials and packaging in store (less plastic numberless, less unnecessary transport packaging).


Companies don't make it easy for people to avert waste. Bulk Market is a package-free shop that was born to ready this. The company offers products to exist purchased in bulk, with the objective to assistance consumers to have dwelling house simply the quantity they need (without packaging).

"Bulk Marketplace® is a social enterprise on a mission to tackle nutrient and packaging waste, supporting suppliers who are making a divergence to people'southward lives and the environs. We apply Bea Johnson'southward five Rs to our business concern model – refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, rot (compost), so nosotros can make the nearly of the resources available. We operate using the principles of the Circular Economy."

half-dozen. Communication

Remember the TV commercials promoting the benefits of an anti-aging cream on a 20-year-sometime model? Nosotros all know that this doesn't make whatsoever sense: 20-year-erstwhile girls don't take wrinkles. Yet companies use these tricks considering unconsciously consumers will acquaintance the product to a younger skin. Does this sound ethical to yous?

Upstanding brands don't try to trick their consumers. Ethical brands are authentic and transparent throughout all advice channels (offline media, online media, packaging, label, in-stores, etc). Consumers will indeed experience betrayed if your brand is promoting their products in a fashion that is fake or not real.

Communications is a very important pillar because it is i of the virtually powerful tools to give exposure to the make. If something gets wrong, it is very probable that the brand will lose the trust of its consumers.

Here are some ideas to consider for building an upstanding communications strategy:

  • Employ simple linguistic communication: avoid using complicated scientific or legal sentences in your communication materials (including packaging labels).
  • Do not lie: ethical brands are authentic and practice not create false ideas or expectations.
  • Be open and transparent: about your company's activities, partners and impact on society.
  • Be conscientious with the messages y'all are communicating: as an example,respect the dissimilar communities and the local cultural values; avoid strategies promoting over-consumption or causing a lack of self-esteem (such as showing photoshopped bodies in magazines, pushing consumers to take more than banking company loans)
  • Deliver what you lot promise: every brand promises something to its consumers. If a promise is not delivered, it is likely that consumers will start loosing trust in the brand and feel betrayed. And so it is important to align perceptions with reality. The brand promise communicated to consumers needs to be aligned with what the visitor is capable to deliver.

Instance 1:

Fairphone is a smartphone brand from the Netherlands  which aims to develop devices that are designed and produced with minimal environmental impact .

"Transparency is how nosotros piece of work. We want to close the gap between people and their products. Information is empowering which is why we share our story – every footstep of the way. Past knowing exactly where stuff comes from and how it'south made, you lot can make informed decisions about what you buy."

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Not only is the make working towards having an ethical supply chain and product procedures, information technology as well tries its best to be 100% transparent with the public. All the production steps, price structure of the product and other relevant information about the smartphone industry are detailed on the company's website. Fairphone even published an interactive map showing the detailed supply chain for its latest product.

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Example ii:

Lonely is a New-Zealand lingerie brand that aims to promote a sense of positive torso image and freedom of expression. Their ads show women under a natural and positive low-cal, without photoshopping their bodies.

7. Employees and other stakeholders

Your employees are dedicating around ane third of their twenty-four hours to your company's business. It comes without saying that y'all take to make sure that they experience valued, respected and condom.

It is important that brands fight for human rights and for their employees' wellbeing. Some examples of factors to consider are:

  • Gender equity (within the teams, at direction level, in meetings, etc.)
  • No bigotry every bit to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions
  • Fair salaries
  • Capacity edifice (professional growth of employees)
  • Good working weather condition (safety, work life rest, stress direction, respect)
  • Cypher tolerance for corruption, disrespect, harassment or dishonest behaviors

But companies practise not but have an touch on consumers or employees. In that location is a whole range of other stakeholders that are direct affected by the company's activities. Ethical brands need to listen to them, respect them and respond to their concerns.

Beneath is a list of a company'due south stakeholders and ideas on what needs to be considered for each 1 of these groups of people:

  • Shareholders, investors, business owners: be transparent, respect the fiscal and organizational commitments
  • Authorities:  pay local taxes, follow the regulations and the law (local and international)
  • Suppliers: pay them fairly and promptly for their services
  • Distributors: provide them with quality products at agreed-upon prices
  • Employees: provide good and safety working conditions
  • Consumers: provide a production that meets their expectations, at a fair price
  • Surrounding communities: ensure they are prophylactic from your visitor's activities (reduce potential noise or pollution), respect their cultures and contribute to sustainable customs development
  • Partners: choose upstanding partners, and respect all the agreements you accept with them
  • Competitors:do not denigrate competitors, effort to detect common synergies to co-exist while contributing positively to society
  • Public good: contribute to public expert in a responsible, positive, and sustainable way

eight. Giving back to communities

Some brands can exist praised for positive behaviors such as creating jobs, or offering goods and services people really need. But it is important that brands start existence part of the communities they do business in by respecting and supporting them.

This can be done in dissimilar ways:

By supporting NGOs:

  • Financial contribution
  • Pro-bono contribution (employee volunteer program)
  • In-kind contribution (goods and services rather than cash)

By investing in the local culture:

  • Sponsoring local cultural events (e.g: fine art exhibitions, concerts, film festivals, literature events)
  • Heritage conservation (e.yard: restoring historic buildings, museums or natural parks)

Through a specific business model:

  • Purchase one requite ane: for every product purchased, the brand commits to give something to people in need.
  • Social business: this is peradventure one of the most advanced types of ethical companies, where all profits are reinvested inside the company to achieve a socially beneficial objective. Nobel Peace Prize winner, and founder of the social concern concept, Mohammad Yunus defines a social business as a cause-driven business inside which "the investors/owners can gradually recoup the money invested, but cannot take whatever dividend beyond that point. Purpose of the investment is purely to achieve i or more social objectives through the operation of the company, no personal gain is desired by the investors."


Toms Shoes and Elephant Branded are two examples of brands using the "buy one give one" business model. This means that for every product purchase, the company donates a related detail to communities in need.

"Through your purchases, TOMS helps provide shoes, sight, water, rubber birth and bullying prevention services to people in need."

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Pocheco is a great instance of a social business where the company's results are systematically reinvested in the company, avoiding the distribution of dividends. The French visitor calls this the "ecolonomy". Pocheco pursues a social impact by producing recyclable and biodegradable envelopes and other paper supplies while focusing on:
1) The reduction ofworkplace hazards and harsh working conditions
2) The reduction of ecology impact and the prevention of pollution
iii) Increment in productivity

Photo credit:


The concept of ethical branding is wide and the list of factors to consider is quite all-encompassing – at this phase we don't know a make that is 100% upstanding.

However, businesses and organizations should think about the discussed eight factors to create an ethical brand and contribute to the world and gild in a positive way:

  1. Ethical make purpose
  2. Ethical brand values and principles
  3. Product and services
  4. Product
  5. Supply concatenation and distribution
  6. Communication
  7. Employees and other stakeholders
  8. Giving dorsum to communities

The purpose of this article isn't to brand business owners and companies feel guilty about their brands – quite the opposite! The aim is to spread some positive examples and further inspire concern owners, marketers and entrepreneurs most ways to build products and brands that contribute to the earth and society in a positive way.

The ideas and examples listed higher up clearly show that solutions exist, and that corporate brands can indeed observe ways to ameliorate their impact on our planet. It's very positive to encounter companies working difficult towards building more ethical brands.

Nosotros admit that this article is just a offset stride towards understanding the concept of upstanding branding. We might accept forgotten other factors to consider, which is why nosotros promise that this commodity will be further improved over time.

If yous accept suggestions on how to amend this article, please do not hesitate to share your ideas in the comments below. We would love to hear your opinion about the ideas shared above.

And if you lot know some additional  examples of:
i) factors to consider for edifice ethical brands
2) examples of companies trying to build ethical brands
three) organizations or citizen movements that can provide more detailed information according to the industry or type of ethical behavior
… please share them in the comments below!
Nosotros volition attempt to integrate them into the commodity within futurity updates.

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