Fashion in the 80s Fashion Trends in the 80s

Fashion in the 1980s

UPDATED three/15/2022

In January of 1980, the Rubik's Cube fabricated its debut at the International Toy Fair. This minor puzzle featuring dozens of brightly colored tiles could be seen as a prelude to the 1980s fashion. This is because the wardrobes of that time were all most as wild and colorful equally that famous puzzle box. The name of the game was to stand up out. Only one trouble: everyone else was working difficult to be fashionably ostentatious too.

As a upshot of various social shifts and general developments of the time, the 1980s fashion is memorable to this day. Many pieces of vesture became ubiquitous amid the U.Due south. population throughout the decade. Whether it was the tailoring, colors, or size of the detail, information technology is easy to look back and retrieve what defined mode in the 1980s.

1. Neon, neon everywhere

Bright neon colors definitely defined 1980s fashion
The neon was hard to miss / Pinterest

Call up the want to stand out. The best mode people did this in the '80s was through vibrant colors. As a result, diverse bold neon colors adorned anyone embracing the mode of the fourth dimension. At least riding a bike was made all the safer; no one could miss a highlighter-yellow bicyclist.

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Bright colors defined the '80s in all areas of life
Bright colors defined the '80s in all areas of life / PickPik

Whatsoever clothing item could and would be neon-colored. Leg warmers, themselves pretty characteristic of this era, would be bright pinks and yellows. Sweatshirts, sized to be specially large, featured wild colors. Shirts, pants and anything visible on the torso would make itself very visible.

2. 1980s fashion had acid-wash jeans reimagine denim

Acid-wash jeans and denim in general became fashion staples
Acid-launder jeans and denim, in full general, became way staples / wheretoget

Some creations are happy accidents, which was the case for acid-launder jeans. The Rifle jeans company of Italian republic brewed this manner piece up later accidentally tumbled jeans, bleach, and pumice stone with pretty much no water. The simplicity of this recipe meant many people could replicate it and take this 1980s fashion piece themselves.

Any denim item, not just pants, got an acid wash treatment
Whatever denim item, not just pants, got an acid wash treatment / Wallpaperflare

Other denim items were not spared this splattering of bleach. Jackets, normally oversized like the sweatshirts, as well got the acrid-wash treatment. Interestingly, they seem to be making a comeback. Many acid-launder pieces fabricated an advent on the F/Due west nineteen runway show. Fifty-fifty celebrities have been seen sporting the look.

3. Shoulder pads weren't just for football players

TV queen Joan Collins sporting a professional outfit with shoulder pads present
Tv queen Joan Collins sporting a professional outfit with shoulder pads present / Everett/REX Shutterstock

In fact, shoulder pads were present in the blazers women wore during their workday. Almost any blazer purchased in the '80s had shoulder pads in them, and then much so information technology looked unusual to see a professional outfit without them. Compare this to now, and the difference is especially hitting. Jackets are still present to finish upwardly a professional outfit, but without the shoulder guards.

Shoulder pads had profound cultural meaning for women entering the workforce
Shoulder pads had profound cultural pregnant for women entering the workforce / YouTube screenshot

Its prevalence in the 1980s mode actually is a resurgence of popularity from decades ago. In the later decade, they were made from cut foam designed to ascertain the silhouette. Because many associated the broad shape with masculinity, the shoulder pads became symbolic of women breaking into the workforce in earnest and reaping success in the corporate world. Ultimately, they became symbols of ability in an era when many overshadowed groups were demanding their voices be heard.

4. Tracksuits for all occasions

Tracksuits were not just for athletics anymore
Tracksuits were not just for athletics anymore / Grailed

The Beastie Boys and LL Cool J accelerated the popularity of tracksuits. No longer was this gear up for workouts. In the '80s they became a article of clothing staple for any occasion, without breaking a sweat. Adidas was 1 of the most famous producers of tracksuits, featuring the three bars along the edges of the outfit. But other variations existed, with different styles and patterns to cull from.

Tracksuits worked for any occasion that wasn't formal
Tracksuits worked for any occasion that wasn't formal / Wikipedia

Eventually, velour sets became highly pop. This led to the material being the most popular when making tracksuits. In the latter half of the 1980s, a brief switch would draw people to wearing nylon shellsuits, though this was very cursory. No one could resist this popular trend for long.

five. Don't get your shirts in a ruffle…or…exercise, in the name of 1980s manner

A woman's ruffled bib blouse
A woman's ruffled bib blouse / Pinterest

Men and women akin pursued clothing with more surface area to it, particularly with shirts. Looking back on the tendency to exist noticed, this makes perfect sense. What meliorate way to grab attention than by increasing what at that place is to see? And then, the 1980s fashion included ruffled shirts and blouses.

Prince in Purple Rain
Prince in Royal Rain / Metropolis Pages

Some examples might remind viewers of what dancers or figure skaters might clothing. This too is rather logical, since artists could frequently be seen sporting the fashion piece. Prince, for example, wore a white shirt with a sophisticated, airy, ruffled front in "Regal Pelting." The manner found itself in many closets in the '80s.

6. High-waisted jeans favored course AND function

Freddie Mercury participated in the move away from low-waisted pants
Freddie Mercury participated in the move abroad from low-waisted pants / Denimology

Low-ascent pants dominated the '70s and though they were stylish, there were practical reasons non to clothing them. Instead, trendsetters made loftier-waisted jeans staples of 1980s way and avoided a waistline digging correct into that tender function of the torso. Additionally, assuasive the waist expanse to exist larger made it easier to have pockets that could actually hold things. These days, women are lucky if the pockets of their jeans are even real, never heed decently sized.

Lower the jeans, lower the regard
Lower the jeans, lower the regard / Flickr

The rivalry betwixt the two waist heights paralleled the various cultural movements at play in the '80s. Hippies, Mods, mainstream denizens, and more all expressed themselves through the elevation, color, and tailoring of their jeans.

vii. Choose animal impress for life on the wild side

People really went wild with the animal prints in 1980s fashion
People really went wild with the animal prints /

The '80s were a wild time, peculiarly for style. Those living in that time let this trait exist reflected in the clothes they wore. The markings and patterns of numerous creatures were mimicked across shirts, pants, skirts, numberless, and more throughout the decade.

Animal print accessories and outfits enjoyed popularity through 1980s fashion
Animate being print accessories and outfits enjoyed popularity through 1980s fashion / Wikimedia Commons

The popularity of animate being print habiliment in America can exist traced to the 1960s Maverick move. Overall, all the same, the reverence attached to this style reaches back centuries. Fifty-fifty as just printed imitations, donning clothes with patterns alike to animals became synonymous with prestige. The various colorful patterns also evoked a sense of exoticism that was refreshing to many living in such uncertain times.

8. Habiliment Ray-Bans to protect from all those bright fabrics

Tom Cruise, shades and all, in Risky Business
Tom Cruise, shades and all, in Risky Business concern / Hollywood Reporter

No matter the era or historic period of the viewer, movies have the power to influence culture. Toddlers will imitate the mannerisms of their favorite cartoon characters and adults flock to the store to purchase a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses similar to what Tom Cruise wore in Risky Business organization. The Ray-Ban brand is particularly known for its Wayfarer and Aviator lines of shades, and the former is what everyone needed to accept to be like Cruise.

Shades in general became very big in the '80s
Shades in general became very big in the '80s / Max Pixel

Mayhap this was also important to preserving centre health. After all, it is evident 1980s fashion had a lot of very bright colors and those shades do a number on unprotected corneas. Actually, the lenses were made to be functional besides as fashionable. To maximize the ability to easily navigate, BBC reports Ray-Bans used "Kalichrome lenses designed to acuminate details and minimize haze past filtering out blue light, making them ideal for misty conditions."

9. Time to break out into dancewear

Everyone was ready to dance
Everyone was set to trip the light fantastic toe /

In much the mode tracksuits became acceptable to article of clothing outside of athletics, dancewear became part of the 1980s fashion even when not moving to that funky beat. Also, like the tracksuit and pretty much any other piece of clothing, dancewear would oft be vibrantly colored. Wildly-patterned leotards and form-fitting shirts characterized this trend.

You didn't have to be a dancer to dress like one...though, the '80s provided great music for it
You didn't have to exist a dancer to apparel like one…though, the '80s provided groovy music for it / Flickr

The music of the '80s was all first-class. Thinking on it, being prepared to dance at a moment'due south notice is a smart move. At any signal, the radio could showtime playing a catchy song that demanded attention.

ten. Step into 1980s fashion with Bally sneakers

Bally shoes gained attention in the '80s
Bally shoes gained attention in the '80s / Bally

The growth of hip-hop brought with it the growing fame of Bally shoes. '80s rappers Slick Rick and Rakim were often seen sporting a pair themselves. Bally seems to understand the powerful nostalgia these still conduct, as the shoes are still available to own for those wanting to revisit that time and fashion.

Sneakers in general worked for a lot of outifts, but one brand got a lot of attention
Sneakers in general worked for a lot of outifts, merely i brand got a lot of attention / Wallpaperflare

Luxury and mode combined in these shoes to make many people want a pair for themselves. The ability of rappers to draw other people'south attention to this style reflects the shoe's power as a symbol of authority. Rappers helped people notice the shoes in a different light, tangential to other characteristic way choices they displayed.

xi. You lot'll warm up to 1980s way with leg warmers

Leg warmers could be worn by anyone looking for help against a chill
Leg warmers could exist worn by anyone looking for help against a arctic / Flickr

Leg warmers come up in many forms, just their purpose remains consequent throughout: keep those calves warm. Usually, athletes wear them when performing in the elements with activities similar soccer, dancing, ice hockey, cycling, and more. On a technical level, they actually help athletes such as dancers from getting cramps.

If its clothing in the 1980s, it was going to be loud
If its clothing in the 1980s, it was going to be loud / Flickr

But in the '80s, girls starting picking up on the fad regardless of whether they danced or not. Before long after, Berkeley in the San Francisco Bay Area got boys wearing them too every bit fashion items. Though not everyone wearing them danced, they did pick up on the craze considering of the musical movies Flashdance and Fame.

12. Ripped sweatshirts aren't a ripoff

1980s style went in a lot of extreme directions, specially upwards and downward. Pants' waistlines went upward and and then too did hoodie hemlines, which is because cutoff sweatshirts became very popular in that decade.

Some elements of 1980s fashion are coming back like the cutoff sweater
Some elements of 1980s fashion are coming back like the cutoff sweater / YouTube screenshot

Like leg warmers, these too transcended genders so everyone got into the craze. When they did, even with the high-waisted jeans, the ripped sweatshirt could sometimes show a bit of the torso.

13. Spick and bridge(dex)

Spandex repurposed itself after the demand went elsewhere
Spandex repurposed itself after the demand went elsewhere / Wikimedia Commons

Social trends and cultures change. So likewise must the fashion industry and those fulfilling consumer demands. Whether you know it by the proper name of Lycra or spandex, this fabric has a history of adapting in more ways than one. DuPont Textiles Fibers Department addressed women'southward need for undergarments and hosiery and Lycra filled that need.

When demand changed, spandex fit a new need - literally
When need inverse, spandex fit a new need – literally / Getting Creative

Every bit women fought for more than rights, however, they saw such garments as symbolic of their oppression. Because demand went down, Lycra adapted form and rebranded itself equally a supplier of exercise vesture. Spandex even so fulfilled that need and just in time for exercise crazes…especially when it came to fashion!

14. You don't have to be a member to know this clothing item

'80s manner finds a fashion of returning to us even today. Younger Americans get glimpses of the land's former trends through the Netflix serial Stranger Things. There, they can run across the Members Only jacket, which offered a unique fashion of sharing quasi-advertisements.

Members Only jackets became popular
Members Only jackets became pop / Mâle Raffiné

Sometimes the Members Only jacket became associated with PSAs and other times they emphasized celebrities, Best Life writes, "The epaulets, collar strap, and knitted trim made these impossible to miss."

15. Stay on top of the time's trends with Swatch watches

Staying upwardly-to-engagement on the latest fashion trends didn't have to be exclusively for the outrageously wealthy. Anyone from many economic backgrounds could get a hold of a Swatch watch, and that'south what fabricated the accessory and then appealing.

Some swatch watches looked simple and others had bold patterns
Some swatch watches looked uncomplicated and others had bold patterns / Flickr

Their price was and so accessible toll compared to other big names that having and wearing multiple at once became cool, likewise. They rose to fame just in time for the "quartz crisis" of the '70s and '80s. At that fourth dimension, digital watches from Asia competed against European mechanical watches. This Swiss company managed to stay relevant.

16. Stick the landing with parachute pants

Exercise fads defined a lot of 1980s fashion trends
Exercise fads defined a lot of 1980s fashion trends / YouTube screenshot

Grade meets role in at to the lowest degree a few instances of 1980s manner. And that goes across the function of making bold statements and standing out in a big world that could overlook people who went with the menstruum. With parachute pants, the material and shape helped those who wore them.

The light, loose fabric made moving easy
The light, loose fabric fabricated moving easy / YouTube screenshot

For case, breakdancers loved wearing these. The loose fit simply shapely design allowed them to pull off k moves easily without worrying about tripping on fabric. These fashion statements reached tiptop popularity by '84 and '85, so much and then that apparently boys and parachute pants became synonymous.

17. Preppy looks got direct Every bit

The preppy look became a bit exclusive
The preppy look became a bit exclusive / Wikimedia Commons

In the U.s., wealthy teens and older embraced a preppy expect in their clothing. This amounted to boat shoes, sweaters tied around the neck, and polos themed around a particular university.

Preppy became exclsuive but popular thanks to celebrities
Preppy became exclusive merely popular thanks to celebrities / Wikipedia

Preppy styles reigned especially supreme in the early on '80s, here divers as 1980 to 1983. Argyle socks enjoyed a broad fan base among those supporting the preppy style. Formalwear took inspiration from the past, looking back decades to the '40s to bring back stylish suits.

18. Hats off to 1980s manner

History is meant to be learned from and the '80s didn't only bring back double-breasted suits from the '40s, but information technology also saw a resurgence in wearing hats. Hats every bit part of an outfit disappeared briefly over the decades, merely those living in the '80s made them a role of their wardrobe.

Hats had their own sub-culture and trends within the broader picture of 1980s fashion
Hats had their ain sub-culture and trends within the broader flick of 1980s manner / YouTube screenshot

Style varied, but in general this article of article of clothing remained similar. Baseball fans and truckers alike donned caps. According to Classic80s, both Charlie Chaplin and Boy George popularized the bowler chapeau. The Blues Brothers and Michael Jackson brought dorsum the fedora. Women could accept tons of fun with berets, because of all the pretty, vibrant, wild patterns out in that location to mix and match with. The same could exist said of dressy formalwear hats.

Which iconic bit of '80s fashion did you habiliment? What would you like to see make a comeback?

1980s fashion
1980s way / The Trend Sentinel

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